Geraint Lewis

Geraint is Director of Up & Under Sports and a qualified PE teacher with 15 years teaching experience in both primary and secondary education. Geraint is also a RFU & ARU Level 2 coach and coordinates and facilitates the Up & Under Sports Rugby programmes.
What are your sporting specialisms?
Rugby, Handball, Lacrosse, Aussie Rules and Multi Skills.
What are your hobbies?
Cycling, watching and playing sport, golf.
Top three films?
Shawshank Redemption, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Anchorman – The Legend of Ron Burgundy.
Top 3 Chocolate bars?
Terry’s Chocolate Orange, Galaxy, Yorkie (raisin and biscuit).
Top 3 Favourite meals?
Steak and Chips, Chill Con Carne (with cheese on top and garlic bread), Cawl (traditional Welsh broth).
Top three holiday destinations?
Perth (Western Australia), Pembrokeshire, Barcelona.
Who is your Sporting Hero and Why?
Jonathan Davies (Welsh Fly half during the 1980’s). For his adaptability and willingness to try something new regardless of his size. As a child I used to go and watch him and whenever he got the ball, the whole stadium would stand up, he was an exciting and inspiring player to watch. He was also the first player to successfully make the transition between Rugby Union and Rugby League.
Who would be your three dream dinner party guests?
Clive Woodward, Michael Parkinson, Peter Kay.
If you could get a VIP ticket to any sporting occasion, which one would it be and why?
To watch Wales in a Rugby World Cup final.